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Recommended SafeList – Free to Join
Here is the SAFELIST LIST that I currently use…
Please remember to set-up 2 Gmail email accounts
to handle everybody’s offers that you’ll receive.
Set up a “Contact” account
(example: and
a “List” account(example:
This way when joining the safelist and
they ask for a “List” or “Contact” email
account, you know which one to use.


The Crypto 300 Club Program offers a cryptocurrency trading opportunity for people of all income levels. Traditional Investments, including the new crypto market, nearly always require investors to spend a great deal of money in order to earn sizable returns. The Crypto 300 Club system provides a way for anyone to earn over 300% annually on investments of $10 up to $1,000,000.

Here’s How It Works:
  • Anyone worldwide can join Crypto 300 Club as a free member
  • Members then purchase $10 Crypto Packs (Max. 100,000 Packs)
  • Each Crypto Pack Pays 1% Daily (half on weekends)
  • Withdraw Daily Earnings anytime (paid in 24 to 48 hours)
  • Compound Earnings by purchasing additional $10 Crypto Packs
  • All Crypto Packs Pay a Total of 312% Yearly… For Life!
Our Cryptocurrency Traders Make Profits Each Day. The cryptocurrency market routinely has tremendous fluctuations daily, which allows expert traders to make a lot of money, whether buying or selling. In fact, earning 5% to 30% in one day is normal. By pooling Crypto Pack sales revenue from all members, Crypto 300 Club easily pays members the 1% Daily Commission.
In the unlikely event that our traders do NOT earn profits on any given day, be assured that Crypto 300 Club maintains reserve accounts, which can be used to pay daily earnings when necessary. Days when our traders earn 2% or more in one day, the additional earnings are automatically put into the reserve accounts for future use.

Crypto 300 Club - the Leader of the New Trend

One of the biggest “trends” in crypto investing is "trading clubs"… and there are plenty of good reasons for this trend.
Fortunately, if you are reading this, YOU are right where you need to be in order to make serious money in the crypto marketplace. YOU have made a smart choice!

In the Crypto 300 Club, members benefit in many ways, allowing average folks make money in this new and exciting investment sector:
  • Pooling members’ money helps eliminate risk, and it gives our traders more leverage
  • No experience necessary because our strategists do all the research for you
  • Millions of people are looking to get into the crypto game, and as a Crypto 300 ClubMember, YOU can get paid a commission when you introduce a new member
  • Earn 1% a day from “crypto trading profits... that's over 300% Per Year from Crypto Trading Profits